On May 7, 2022, SwitchDocLabs released Version 27.6 of their SkyWeather2 software suite. A few days later, I was notified by a user that my SkyWeather2 install script failed.
pi@skyweather2:~/SDL_Pi_Skyweather2 $ sudo mysql -u root -p < WeatherSenseWireless.sql Enter password: ERROR 1046 (3D000) at line 5: No database selected
This error was not caused by my script. It is caused by an error in the SkyWeather2 SQL scripts.
A couple of years ago, I bought a SkyWeather2 system but did not purchase the software SDCard. I was not willing to pay an additional $35 on top of the cost of the system. I soon discovered downloading the SkyWeather2 software on Github and running the main Python script does not work.